running docker on windows over ssh
So I’m locked out of my apartment for about 7 weeks, with only a laptop and a keyboard.
Here are some notes about my setup.
#docker 4 mac
There is a native ARM64 build, but it comes with an extensive list of known issues. In particular, emulation of x86-based containers is sketchy and the disk performance is not very good when mounting host folders in the container.
Normally, I have access to a Windows (home) or Linux (office) machine and
both offer a better docker experience compared to MacOS. Since my apartment
will continue to have internet access, why run a gimped container setup on my
MacBook Air when I can do something pointless learn something new??
#my setup
I have a Windows machine and a Raspberry Pi at home. My plan? Use Wake-On-LAN to wake my Windows machine, run docker on it for work and put it back to sleep when done.
I found a nice little program called wol which let me save the MAC address of my Windows machine under an alias, which made the wakeup script self-explanatory.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh piathome '/home/pi/go/bin/wol wake winathome'
Next up was enabling Wake-On-LAN on my Windows machine, which turned out to be quite simple. After a couple of wake-and-sleep cycles later I was confident that this setup would actually work.
At this point I could wake the machine from sleep, and since I already had enabled the built-in OpenSSH server, I searched online and found an eldritch command to put it back to sleep. Behold:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh winathome -t 'cmd /c \"rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0\"'
Now it was time to automate these steps (as steps in a
project) and move on to docker shit!
Starting, stopping and all container interactions worked without any problem. This is my script for port-forwarding ports and starting the backend services in a work project:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh winathome -L 3200:localhost:3200 -t 'cmd /c \"cd /dE:/work/xyz && docker-compose up\"'
and maybe an interactive session as well.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh winathome -t 'cmd /k \"cd /dE:/work/xyz\"'
This actually works surprisingly well, now I mostly do:
- bring machine up:
tmuxinator start workday
- work on project(s):
tmuxinator start/stop xyz
- bring machine down:
tmuxinator stop workday
Of course, it was not exactly a smooth start:
failed due to something related to a credential manager - “fixed” by switching remote from https to ssh- azure container registry at $DAYJOB need a ~daily login
az acr login
which also failed due to similar error - resolved after reading the fucking manual and learning about docker credentials
@rem remove "credsStore" key from config which does not work with ssh session and seems to be default on desktop
jq "del(.credsStore)" %userprofile%\.docker\config.json | sponge %userprofile%\.docker\config.json
az acr login --name xyz --expose-token | jq -r .accessToken > .aztoken
cat .aztoken | docker login -u 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --password-stdin
del .aztoken
March 26, 2021 (updated April 16, 2021) tagged #work #docker #remote